Potpourri Division: Round 1 Match 3
Steel Blades vs. Steel Toe
Peter Puck: The mascot and spokesperson for the noble game of Hockey. Make note of the lack of teeth, the menacing brows and the fact that he's already let go of his stick in anticipation of "dropping the gloves". Opponents be warned.
Boot: The mascot and spokesperson for the noble pursuit of reading. Why a dilapidated piece of footwear was presented as a symbol of knowledge and phonics I'll never know, but somehow it worked. Also a bit of a ladies man, as there was romantic tension with Pretty the pink pump, the likes of which wouldn't be seen again until "Moonlighting".
Cute/Funny Division: Round 1 Match 3
Truly Outrageous vs. Totally Flirtatious
Jem: This girl had it all. Owns her own record label. And is a rock star, a philanthropist, and a jet-setting adventurer. And has great bling-bling and Madonna gloves. And her boyfriend is so perfect that the only other woman he has eyes for is her alter ego. And her music is contagious.
Smurfette: The reformed bad girl and the subject of much speculation and innuendo when it came to her role in Smurf village, (100 males and 1 female, you figure it out). Next to Papa Smurf, she is the most recognizable of the blue imps.
Animal Division: Round 1 Match 3
Monkey Mayhem 2
Curious George: The children's favourite, who can't help but learn about the world using his not-so-scientific method of discovery. He is often exploited by the man for menial and hazardous work, but he always comes through unscathed.
Donkey Kong: The first bad "boss" of the video game era. Note we are only referring to the original barrel-throwing, girder-stomping antagonist of the original video game, rather than all the subsequent uses of the character.