
Round 1 Match 7 Winners

The "good man" edges the Michelin Man out of the contest in a surprisingly close match. Regardless of your tires, you always have to respect the power of L'hiver.
Mumm-ra upsets the favourite Skeletor in a "deadlock" tie. Maybe it was the Tolkein-esque image of an ominious presence operating from a distance, compared to Skeletor's hands-on style that made Mumm-Ra seem like a cooler baddie.
Rusty Rooster totally "bagged" Casey in another surprise upset. This one wasn't even close, as Casey failed to gain even one supporter.
The kindly and cerebral Toucan Sam soared past Woody Woodpecker, who many found too manic for their tastes. Also, Woody received a lot of criticism for his evolution of styles and identities over the years, I'm not sure this was fair, since pop culture has been fairly accepting of the re-invention of icons, (see Madonna, Mickey Mouse, Bugs Bunny, Superman)

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