Round 1 Match 56
Zorro: A aristocrat who seeems spoiled, but secretly fights injustice by dressing in black, using nothing but his brain and brawn. Sound familiar? It's no wonder that in later editions of Batman's story, his family was going to see "Mark of Zorro" that fateful night. Regardless of his links as a precursor, Zorro is also cool in his own right.
Eric Cartman: The anti-hero for anti-heroes, and a great source of quotes and catch-phrases. For his distinctly un-family-friendliness, and a shock value that shames both Bart and Stewie combined, Cartman is totally cool.
Round 1 Match 55
Dandy Lion: I could have easily put all the main characters from Oz in the tournament, but left it to the big cowardly cat, whose solos and catch phrases are the most memorable.
Gojira: If we agree to ignore the horrible Matthew Broderick incident, the big lizard's cultural importance cannot be denied. He is the symbol of an entire genre of moviemaking, and has atomic breath. Way cool! And don't even get me started on Godzookie.
Round 1 Match 54
Bionic Woman: The original Xtreme grrrl, Jamie Sommers was a hardcore tennis jock, and skydiver, scuba expert, even before she got the robot legs.
Bill the Cat: The once proud presidential candidate. Nothing is cooler than a vegetative cat. Bill is kind of a deconstucturalist icon for all the other orange cartoon cats out there (see: Hobbes, Garfield, Heathcliff, etc.)