| Although Snarf was ahead by one vote, the Snarf votes seemed to sympathize more with the Thundercats franchise itself, rather than the character. As Mr. Coleman reminded us, Twiki also has the advantage of the Mel Blanc factor. Fear not Thunder-fans, there are more representatives from Third Earth to come.
| In the most pathetic show of apathy yet, Gleek gets a free pass to the second round. However, judging by the level of enthusiasm, I'd say he will soon be taking the "form of..." a loser and "shape of..." a loser.
| Who knew there were so many Snuggle-maniacs out there? He dominated the green giraffe with ease.
| Another surprise, as the not-so-Secret Railroad fan base emerges and soundly trounces the G-Force member. I think it was the yo-yo that pushed people away...
# posted on Thursday, January 12, 2006
0 Votes