
Round 1 Match 52

Tiger Id vs. Comeback Kid!
Tigger: The manic big cat, who shook things up in the hundred acre wood when he pounced on the scene.
Calvin: Our only repeat combatant from Season 1 returns to fight again. I felt that Calvin got eliminated because he appeared too mainstream under the previous criteria, so here is a chance for him to battle it out amongst his peers.
Criteria: Funny that these two got paired together, since Tigger looks so much like Calvin's regular partner, and Calvin is kind of a rowdier Christopher Robin. It begs the question, what would a "Calvin and Tigger" comic strip be like? Would Tigger steal the show? Would Calvin put the bouncy feline in his place?

Round 1 Match 51

Web Slinger vs. Dwarf Swinger!
Spiderman: Another story I often tell my daughter is "Peter who got bit by a spider". A smart kid who doesn't have many friends secretly becomes a great hero through a family tragedy. Ms Rowling, I see another lawsuit here...
Snow White: Disney's first of many adaptations of classic fairy tales. Not the strongest example of modern feminist ideals, and her prince doesn't even have a name other than an adjective, but she is kind, sweet, and accepting. All fairly cool traits.
Criteria: This is a bit of a "boys vs. girls" contest. What if Snow White was one of Spidey's villains, complete with her cadre of diminutive soldiers now known as "The 7 Deadly Sins"? Can Spidey defeat their jewel-stealing crime wave? Hi Hooooo!

Round 1 Match 50

Lazy vs. Busy!
Garfield: An ill-tempered cat, who spends his day loafing around waiting for his next meal. Cultural prevalence shown in the numerous car decorations featuring his likeness (my favourite is the one that makes it seem like he's half-caught in the trunk.
Bob: A good-natured contractor, who gets his work done with the help of magical intelligent talking loaders and mixers. And unlike Mike Holmes, he doesn't always resort to tearing everything down in order to fix it.
Criteria: Bob wants to build a new dog park in Garfield's neighbourhood. Garfield is upset that his proposal for a all-night lasagna shack wasn't approved. Discuss.

Round 1 Match 49

Second Banana Battle!
Spock: The logically driven Vulcan who is often the foil to Kirk's skin-of-his-teeth exploits.
Barney: The foot driven neighbour who is often the conscience to Fred Flintstone.
Criteria: Both are great supporting roles for their shows' protagonists, but in different ways. Who do you like better, the deadpan straight-man, or the goofy good-natured buddy?

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