
Round 4 Match 1

Girl Icon vs. Fallen Padawan
It just keeps getting tougher, doesn't it? Now you have to decide if the power of Barbie is stronger than the Dark Side of the Force.
What's cooler? The pink Corvette, or that souped-up tie fighter?
If Barbie had met Annakin back in the day, would she have wooed him away from Amidala, and saved the universe those awful prequels?
Even later, would she be able to give Lord Vader a make-over? Or, would Vader give into his anger and cut her down like he did the other Jedi?

Vader steps on Barbie and says "Oh dear" and then tries to hide the broken barbie from his Emperor.

And ANOTHER REASON we shouldn't support Barbie.
Barbie belongs to the Dark side of the Force, no doubt, and she's truly iconic, but she is a minion compared to Lord Vader.

Malibu THIS, bitches!
Barbie is greater than Darth - is she greater than "Star Wars?" Now there's a better debate.
office poll

dianne: Barbie

Erik: Barbie

dianne: barbie
3 darth, 1 barbie
This is obscene! Darth should have taken it!
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