
Round 3 Match 13

Badly-timed for Bugs Battle!

OK, try to forget the fact that you've seen nothing but Harrymania for the last two weeks, and try to remember the decades that Bugs has held the public favour. Now, with a clearer head, make your decision and vote.

Harrymania may be all the thing today, but this only increases my resolve to relegate him to flash-in-the-pan status.

Bugs has got personality, and personality goes a long way.
Bugs Bunny once pulled Harry Potter out of a hat. Mr. B. Bunny has my vote.
G votes for Bugs Bunny because he's a bunny and is funny. And J votes Bugs because he lives in the backyard and may be related to the Easter Bunny.
Office poll

Tenille: Harry
Dianne: Bugs
Erik: Bugs
I'm not sure i can agree that Harry Potter will ever be relegated to Flash in the pan status. The books are phenomenal and as a finite series are likely to remain in the public consciousness in a similar way to the Narnia Chronicles.
That being said, and noting that i am a hug Potteraphile (Potterphile? - it's Potterphile, i just went and checked), Bugs is simply still the larger icon. We talk about corporate schills and i know i still picture Bugs on top of the WB munchign a carrot...
really what i am is a "huge" potterphile and not as much a "hug" one...
oh dear
it pains me greatly at this stage in the game because all of our choices are now huge icons.

hmmm....Harry Potter has revolutionized the children's publishing industry and had an enormous impact on childhood literacy/reading patterns for a whole generation AND accomplished this in a very short period of time. this is an important feat. not to mention the box office power of the movies and their spin offs. he is very identifiable even if he isn't a cartoon.

but then there's Bugs Bunny. the face of WB, the childhood friend of a previous generation who woke up to him on Saturday mornings. easily identifiable, too.

in the end, I'm voting for Harry because I think his accomplishments with children's literature and reading are more important than rotting your brain in front of the boob tube on Saturday mornings. and he AIN'T no flash in the pan. (also, in a show down he'd fry Bugs' ass with a wave of his wand.)
What's up doc? Bugs by a hair.... or a carrot.
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