
Round 1 Match 59

Tycoon Showdown: Nuclear Power vs. Candy!
Mr Burns: Eccentric and mean-spirited
Willy Wonka: Reclusive and saccharine
Criteria: Willy Wonka wants to open a candy factory in Springfield. Many of the sweet-toothed employees of the power plant are drawn to the offer. Mr. Burns is suspicious, and tries to stir dissent amongst the Oompa Loompas. Smithers is curious about how one wonka's a willy. Discuss.

Very good posting.
Thank you - Have a good day!!!
it's got to be burns - I don't even like the simpsons, but I love burns.

I love chocolate... but poor Willy Wonka... Mr Burns could crush him like an ant...

I vote burnsy...
I don't often find myself in such agreement, but Burns it is for me, too!
I have to be honest - I am not sure that either of these gents (and I use the term loosely) would meet the physical caracteristics needed for the bachelor honour.

However, both of their names appeared on the nomination ballots. During the first round the producers were impressed with the money and the evil side of Mr. Burns. And although he was involved with an incredibly annoying cast of sidekicks, they weren't sure who the other guy was and thought that as much as they hated to admit it, Burns has more appeal and staying power.
I agree with Howdy. It is a good posting. And Burns should probably win.
this is a tough one because i actually think willy wonka could give mr. burns a run for his money. he is a clever and powerful man, if a bit weird, after all. and he taught lessons to all of the naughty boys and girls who visited his chocolate factory.

i'm giving mr. wonka a winning vote.

While there are many avatars of sugary quirkiness that mirror the ethics and mores of Willy Wonka, Montgomery Burns is the epitome of sheer animated malevolence.

> Are you saying "boo" or "Boo-urns"?

Like Hans Moleman, I was saying "Boo-urns". Monty for the win!
OK...who was CREEPIER? I say the early Willy (eh-ehm) Wonka.
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