
Round 1 Match 49

Second Banana Battle!
Spock: The logically driven Vulcan who is often the foil to Kirk's skin-of-his-teeth exploits.
Barney: The foot driven neighbour who is often the conscience to Fred Flintstone.
Criteria: Both are great supporting roles for their shows' protagonists, but in different ways. Who do you like better, the deadpan straight-man, or the goofy good-natured buddy?

Every protagonist needs a grounded straight-man (or woman) in order for them to live long and prosper.

Barney was too weak and one of the main reasons why Fred was always in such hot water. He also didn't have a really cool death grip...
Barney Rubble.
But not the crappy new Barney Rubble voice.
Original Barney voice only.
Thanks in advance.
Spock because he lives in space.

What Martyn said - what was with that second Barney voice? It was like the new Coke of voiceover, until they brought back Mel Blanc.

Mel Blanc, people! That's it - Barney gets my support.
Also, Spock never says:
"Watch me trick fred out of his Fruity Pebbles."
barney rubble makes me laugh and i watched him at boy's house (boy being one of o's imaginary friends) and he flied up in the air and it was so funny.
Like a pinch on the neck from Mr. Spock!
Barney - kind of a funny little guy and, frankly, forgettable. Mr. Spock, a wise counsel for the rash Kirk. An alien the rest could look up to. With the (successful) movies, still available action figures, cartoons, records, and more, Spock is a man? for the ages! Barney, not so much.
Ummm... I pick Barney. Never a big trekkie *ducks for cover*
Spock because he is so not cavemanish!

Chuck's Dad
tough one...but I have to go with "anonymous g" - spock lives in space, much cooler than living in the stone age.
Spock, for bringing us closer to loving the alien in all of us...and because if I hear Barney Rubble's giggle one more time before I die I will be sad. I had to listen to it FOR YEARS at every lunch hour...the Catholic nuns in Quebec would tune their TVs, on these giant stilts, to that show every recess and every lunch hour -- LUNCH HOUR! If there was a torture that was more effective -- I am at a loss to recall it.
Dammit Jim. He's a cartoon, not an icon.

Spock for the win!
The final episode of Surreal Life....

No I can't even go there. Barney wins.

I can't stand Star Trek just as much as Barrie Ice can't stand Disney. Why does it keep haunting me?????????
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