
Round 1 Match 43

Battle of the Blockheads!
Herman: Who knew that the template for the modern TV dad would come from a Frankenstein pastiche?
Spongebob: Mr. Squarepants is a guilty pleasure for many 20-somethings and beyond. Cool for his fast paced and multidimensional humour.

Herman Munster...played by Fred Gwynne (1926-1993). He was lovable, he was silly, he was strong.

RIP ,good buddy
i just don't get that stupid little sponge. i just wanna "ring" his neck, oh wait he doesn't even have a neck. i hate the sponge. hermans the man
Didn't watch either show. If my vote creates a tie, then I vote for the character who ties it up. If my vote is needed to break a tie, then the convenor can flip a deciding coin - heads for Herman.
The Munsters is one of the best TV shows ever created.

Herman deserves your vote!
Then Herman it is!!!

(Long Live Peer Pressure)
Again... never watched either. But something about the Sponge man disturbs me... probably the fact that he's a sponge.

Munster because of his relation to a brilliant novel... (Frankenstein... duh)
So who would win in the Big Brother household.

One is a big scary guy that people would be scared to vote off and the other is a sponge that they might use to clean the bathroom.

I am voting for the big guy for the win - hopefully the sponge would be replaced after a week or two.
Less a vote for Herman and more a vote against Spongebob.

Someone at work told me that they thought I would like Spongebob...

...and my opinion of them went down.

It was my nick name in highschoo.

How can I vote against that?
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