
Round 1 Match 33

Dora loves Bubbles!
Dora: She teaches kids to think things out, cooperate, and use Spanish to get intelligent doors to open. And is friends with a giant chicken. And knows how to get to an actual Chocolate Tree. Although I am convinced my children will forever be stumped by directions that have more than three steps, I must admit that Dora is cool.
Bubbles: He lives in a shed, wears pop-bottle glasses, speaks in profanity, drives a go-cart and sleeps with cats. What's cooler than that?
Criteria: Everyone with a kid in their lives knows the Martha Stewart-esque role Dora has in their lives. However, when the kids go to bed, it's characters like Bubbles that take over. And, there's the CANCON vs. Mexico element too. Come on, vamanos, everybody let's vote!

I have admittedly watched more Dora than Trailer Park Boys, so you can infer my bias. I don't actually like her that much - her voice is a little squealy and her episodes are painfully formulaic. Still, her influence in our house is undeniable, and generally positive.

Since I wouldn't choose to watch either of these shows, I'll take the one that I'd rather I have my kids watch.

Vamanos, Dora!
My coworkers duped me into posing like bubbles and then entered me into an online look-a-like contest. I didn't win, however got an honourable mention when I entered myself in the Dora look-a-like contest, so I'll have to vote her. Plus she's my sons' (yep, both of them) girlfriend.
J wants Dora because he loves her.

And in a wild surprise, G chooses Dora because she gets to travel and hangs out with a monkey.
Although I apparently married Bubbles (although I think the similarity to Fred is much closer) I will have to vote for Dora. It is really no contest. Now if Dora and Diego were to battle it out - that would be interesting.

I owe a whole year of getting to shower in the morning to Dora being on at 8 am. The least I owe her is my vote. Educational - yes, Multicultural - perhaps.

Baby crack - definately!
i have to vote for Dora, she's practically Dan's first word. Every time he sees her image, he starts wiggling and gives a big "doe-da".
Dora forsure.... also, I've never seen Trailer Park Boys therefore I repeat... Dora.
People...this is why we as Canadians are insecure about our cultural identity.

Dora?! Puhlease....they taught much more useful spanish back in my day. I may not know the spanish equivalent of each colour, but I'll never go thirsty!

I'm very much disheartened by this, sadly very canadian, turn on our entertainers.

If you don't vote Bubbles the mexicans have won!

Only because Bubbles represents all that I hate about TV. Jumped the shark for me on the first episode.

Never got it.
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