
Round 1 Match 23

Bad Girl vs. Good Frog!
Jessica: The femme fatale of the groundbreaking effects film, "Who Framed Roger Rabbit"
Kermit: The franchise player of the Muppet-verse. No version of "Rainbow Connection" ever stacks up to Kermit's original.
Criteria: Jessica and Roger Rabbit come to Kermit and Piggy's house for a party. Keys are placed in a bowl. You figure out the rest!

Although not on my final list, Kermit was high up on my picks. I vote Kermit for this weeks squash. Jessica is a flash in the pan - Kermit is in for the long haul.
One movie? A couple crude t-shirts? What the hell kind of career is that?

Kermit for prez!
Crazy red-head for the win. He's had his 15 minutes. Enough already!
Kermit for prez! Kermit for pope!
Kermit for the win!
Even if those car keys were frozen in ice, the heat between Jessica's sauciness and Miss Piggy's jealousy would thaw them out in a second. Kermie has been at it too long to be hurt by Piggy's 'fists of fury' -- he'll let her drop Jessica like a fly and use Gonzo as his shield.

It's not easy being green, but it's nice to visit the moon.

We love Kermit.
Jessica Rabbit? The frog will kick her slinky, smokin' ass.
This one is almost laughable.
Kermie all the way.
Kermit the frog is iconic and spans generations... as someone who's under the age of 10 and they will likely know who Kermit is, but have no clue about that other chick...

Kermit may not find it easy to be green, but he gets my vote.
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