
Round 4 Match 1: Action Division

Space Case vs. Space Ace!
In our first Division Semi-final match, we see the surprising popularity of Stella from the Secret Railroad facing the "franchise player" of the action division, Rocket Robin Hood.

If memory serves me correctly, Secret Railroad was usually one of the last cartoons to air on Saturdays, while RRH and his crew usually kicked things off around 7:30. Which character has more permanence in our psyche? Only you can decide! Vote Now! No Cloning!

Panthro ought to have beat Rocket Robin Hood with the 'chucks and the baby blue.

Voltron should have beat Rocket Robin Hood with that bigass sword (well, actually, Bumblebee ought to have beat Voltron and then beat RRH in round 2).

RRH beat Brown Hornet... well, that one he may have earned...

I have sent out my joyous shout for Rocket Robin Hood.

Stella takes him down with her enigmatic presence and starry hair. And she looks better on a T-Shirt, and she's a secondary character.
Here are some comments about Stella from Round 2 Match 1:

Jeff Coleman said...

Stellaaaaaa! he cried
She looked so beautiful

Jon A said...

Stella makes me anything but saggy.


moxywoman said...

Hair like a big star
Tipped to one side; she's so sweet.

VicBear said...

... i think Stella has to win this one!
Oh man! Neva chooses Rocket Robin Hood.
No this one is much more interesting. We've got two rooting for the guy on the horse and three hoping for the chick with the funky "Godspell" hairdo.
Actually, it's the other way around. So I am going to have to go with the hippy.
star head.
i will call starhead spike. she would look awesome on a t-shirt. there's a place in town that makes them... maybe i should do it!
Definitely Stella. Still don't get the appeal of egg boy!
I'm voting for Rocket Robin Hood.

I never watched Secret Railroad. It looked stupid.

this is a tough decision in this round. two more obscure cartoon characters, each with their own charm. in the end, i'm giving the edge to Stella because she is a smidge more strange and un-cool.

sorry RRH. we loved ya dearly.
RRH...send a joyous shout...
O-Bear chooses Star Hair over horsey guy.
When irony fails me, I consider the T-shirt implications.

Wearing Stella would make me look like a hippie...
Wearing Rocket Robin Hood would make me look like a geek...

Rocket Robin Hood it is!
RRH is the best ever!
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