
Round 3 Match 3: Cute/Funny Division

News Puppet vs Shape Shifter Battle!
The anchor with all the g-news fit for kids now faces the icon who can actually change into an anchor! Will the phonics advocate prevail against the lovable "Big Pink"? Or will Barbapapa prove that he can beat a more favoured (and colourful) opponent than his previous history suggests?

I want Gary Gnu gone! BA!

He is too soft and has no ironic qualities.

Give us a creature that can take any shape and let's build him a temple and listen to his wisdom and marvel at what he has brought us.
I humbly disagree. I think that Gary is less mainstream, and also not the central character (hence more ironic - witness the previous comments from people who have not heard of him), and also cooler. He's my favourite newsman.

Well, him and Edward R. Murrow.

And Jon Stewart.

Victory for Gary!
O-bear votes for the green puppet guy

Gary Gnu made it cool to make fun of the English language with k-nee slapping humour and k-nife sharp wit. K-now what I mean?

This should be good g-news for Gary G-nu.
never heard of Gnu, but Barbapapa rocks!
barbapapa. barbarpapa is the irish version.
Darbarpapa is the Princess Street version, and maybe he could beat Gary Gnu, but otherwise, Gn-obody can!
News is so boring.

Barbapapa always could change into such cool things. I vote for him
i am voting for Gary Gnu on this one. his greater level of obscurity than Barbapapa's gives him the edge in this competition for me. no offense to Barbapapa, who is pretty cool, but...just not ironic enough for me.
Barbapapa - he's practically bubblegum and everyone loves bubblegum, right? Probably not, but he still gets my vote.
Barbapapa gets my barbavote!
Hooked on Phonics would side with Barbapapa. As do I.

I am one of those who doesn't equate obscurity with irony, but I must say that for a shape-shifter like Barbapapa, who can take any form he wishes, to look like that is brave, if not ironic.
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