Round 3 Match 1 Winners
Astroboy rocketed past his elderly competition and moves on to the coveted 4th round. It's the shoes. It's gotta be the shoes. | |
Stella floats her way into Round 4 as well. Her list of victories is becoming impressive in its variety and popularity. Can this warrior princess be stopped? | |
Mr Stay Puft lumbered his way past Twiki in the first official "Squash of the Week". Twiki short circuited and was left a smoking mess, his inner workings gummed up with marshmallowy goodness. | |
It was surprisingly close, (coming down to a last minute flash polling), but in the end it was Curious George who fulfilled his destiny and became the ICON-O-CLASH Monkey Champion. Now, can he break free of the monkey sub-group, and compete against worthy non-simian opponents? The next round will decide that... |