
ICON-O-CLASH: Let the Wagering Begin!

Ladies and gentlemen, please direct your attention to the new spin-off creation by Jeffy, the ICON-O-CLASH betting pool! Deadline for team creation will be Monday May 15, (the first day of open voting for Round 3). Plan your strategy and make your picks by then. Riches* await the winners, mocking awaits the unlucky.
What's better than a discussion of trivial pop culture characters? Wagering, my friends, wagering!
* Actual riches are subject to availability. Prizes to be announced as soon as corporate sponsorship is confirmed.

i vote yes to anything that has to do with betting. even if it's a farmer's bet.
I take it from the lack of registered teams that there are many of us waiting in the wings to see who prevails in the last two weeks before locking in choices.
Remember that you run the risk of getting your team scooped by someone else, as no two people can have the same combination of icons.
As Jeffy stated, if you happen to pick an icon from W7 or W8 that doesn't actually make it into Round 3, we will allow you to pick a replacement before the deadline to complete your team.
Enough strategy! I want to see people's predictions!
i didn't realise we were allowed to vote now.

curious george (captain)
le petit prince
p.s. farmer's bet means no money exchanged; it's a bet of pride.
we control your vertical
we control your horizontal
we can see into your hearts and minds
we are the icon-o-controllers
'They' said it was a weather balloon.

M.F. Luder
Here comes the super copter
Here comes the noise it makes
The demon was an idea
The demon is awake
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