
Round 2 Match 5: Cute/Funny Division

Teased-out Vocalist vs. Grammatical Journalist
Can Jem's totally outrageous cool-factor win out over the g-nowledgable g-news anchor?

"Can Jem's totally outrageous cool-factor win out over the g-nowledgable g-news anchor?"

I'm going with Gnu on this.
This is a tough one. Jem is TRULY outrageous. The music's contagious, you know?
And NO Gnus is good Gnus with Gary Gnu - so is Gary actually throwing his support to Jem by telling us that there should be NO Gnus in the competition? That THAT would be "good?"
Ok, Gary, have it your way - Jem it is.
I think a cool idea would be to ressurrect Gary and have him deliver current events, Daily Show style. They could even consider having him as a guest reporter from time to time!

Gary's cooler. And more ironic.

Dig it.
Jem may be derivative and a feeble 80's attempt at "Grrl Power" but notwithstanding the synergistic power of these arguments, I'll go with the icon I know.

Gary who? Just another muppet to me.

Jem, at least I know she's outrageous. She's got my vote again.
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