
Round 1 Match 16: Animal Division

Kids Critter Clash!
Jerome: A companion to the Friendly Giant who had to do all his acting through a window. Kind of like Home Improvement's "Wilson", but with spots and antlers.

Hammy: The main character of Tales From The Riverbank, though much of the spotlight went to his larger friend GP. Hammy was strong in his role as the straight man guiding the other rodents through their adventures.

I'm with Jerome.

I got your back, buddy.

Freakin' fat rodent...
OMG - again?!! A live rodent - I absolutely refuse to vote for something that has been rotting for years. How can that qualify as an icon??
i feel like the rvierbank gang will cease to be cool as icons if they all win. I think Hammy as the leader - and the reason so many kids had hamsters named Hammy - is not as cool as Maddy or GP.
I'll throw my vote to the friendly giraffe!
Although it's tempting to vote for the underdog [under-rodent?], I feel like Hammy also had the least personality of the Riverbankers, in spite of being the protagonist.

Either Friendly Giant or Hamster will be getting a clean sweep; I'll throw my support behind the one who's been rotting more slowly: Jerome.
I'm looking for my recorder after work. Thank goodness the giant was tall, or Jerome may have never made it into the frame.
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