
Potpourri Division: Round 1 Match 1

Bionic Battle!
Kheop (or Keyop): The genetically engineered, pint-sized, Tourette-afflicted G-Force member. Perhaps the most memorable, but always everyone's last choice during G-Force role play. Also had the most unique vehicle of the team (what was that thing anyway? A tank? A bug? A frog?)
FrankenBerry: Assembled from spare body parts, refined sugar and real fruit flavouring. This gentle giant is the champion of the "no chocolate until 10am" crowd.

I was going to vote for the weird kid from G-Force, but as I have endured all kinds of ___-berry nicknames my whole life, how could I not vote for cousin "Frank"

While I still think that Kheop would kick Frank's ass in a fight (really all he has to do is hit Frankenberry with some milk and he melts into a soggy cereal, bloated marshmellow mess!) I have to base my decision on this one to overall Icon status The Cereal mascot way out ranks that babbling kid from the cartoons.

I'll send out "props" to G-force for leading the "5 person team" themed programs, but Kheop on his own will be my first vote off the island, sorry kid.
That Keyop kid just looks angry, but FrankenBerry looks like he could be a fun guy to hang with, you know? Serioualy, I used to get so excited if I could convince my mom to buy the short-lived FrankenBerry cereal. So my vote goes to him.
I hear the berry nicknames - my maiden name was Cherry, imagine the torture I endured as a high school student!

Yes, I'm with cousin Frank as well.
mmmm... sugar. Frankenberry has my vote!
Put me on team Keyop/Kheop/Jinpei.
Battle of the Planets has serious retro-cool power, and this little guy IMHO is the one to take them all the way to the finals.

A landmark moment of my childhood was watching BotP/G-force and learning one week that he was an orphan, I thought in one episode is was asserted that he was "manufactured".

Hail the ninja swallow!

If only more people named Keyop were commenting to offset the Berrys!
Voting for the little guy who always had to work harder to prove that he belonged: Keyop.

The Sparrow of the original Hi-5, with his submersible buggy and bola (I think it was Mark who had the boomerang), easily wins over Franken-brute.

Not picking pink this time.
Gotta vote for Frankie. A monster who has a recurring guest role on Family Guy after all these years trumps a show that they don't make anymore. And you can still find Frankie on the store shelves if you look really hard. Now that's staying power (not even considering the loads of preservatives in every box)!!
You had to mention playground G-force role play! A barrage of repressed memories!! It seems to me my friends little brother with the speech impediment was always happy to be Keyop (no joke). An homage to him and the crap he put up with -- Keyop it is!
o-bear picks keyop
If memory serves me correctly, the Commissioner will be making decisions based on strength of argument rather than volume of votes.

I need to then state that allegiance to an icon based solely on name (*ahem* sorry to all the ____-berrys for your pain; and appealing to the Commissioner's objectivity) is less persuasive than outlining the merits of energetic, battle-tested team player (Keyop) vs. sugar content and milk-compatibility. (Frankenberry).

While Frankenbeery makes for a fun typo, I'm still pushing for Keyop.
I always hoped that Keyop would form the Firey Pheonix and toast Fankenberry and all other marshmellow cereals that interrupted the riveting storylines.

How can we reward child-targeted commercialism over the sheer artistic genius of G-Force! (and this coming from a marketing guy)
Kheop all the way. In a battle of cool, there's no way an icon from a cereal that was made purely to addict children to sugar (and rot their teeth in the process) all for the sake of the almighty dollar could EVER beat the deceivingly cute cybernetic killer swallow from one of THE original anime imports.

You *thought* Kheop was cute (and certainly that got played up way more in Battle of the Planets than in the original Gatchaman series), but really, he could be a lean, mean fighting machine. In a fight, Frankenberry would take one look at Kheop's bola and know it would take him down, rattling chains and all.

Bye bye Frank!
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